Single Note Whisky



"Don't worry about playing a lot of notes. Just find one pretty one." - Miles Davis

Everyone discovers something for themselves in a good whisky and interprets the drink their own way. It's the same for jazz, which is all about freedom and improvisation.

There's so much to discover in a glass of single malt scotch whisky. It's always an adventure, a new journey. Be open to and curious about every single note along that journey—live in the moment, relax, enjoy, and share your stories.

When Two Passions Collide: SINGLE NOTE

Rick van Diepen

Single malt scotch whisky and jazz music have both been passions of Rick van Diepen for a long time. Rick has been a whisky enthusiast since the year 2005 when he did an exchange program in Edinburgh. As a member of the University's whisky society, he went on several field trips to visit whisky distilleries, including the Caol Ila distillery on his favorite island Islay, which is off the western coast of Scotland.

With a strong background in marketing and the privilege to have worked for highly respected global brands, Rick decided to create a brand from scratch himself using what he loves the most and became an independent bottler. The very first Single Note release is distilled at Caol Ila distillery in a small batch of just 74 bottles. The whisky, which is aged for 5 years, is his tribute to the start of a journey.




Fib Whisky